The Nativity Story

Covering the 2006 movie "The Nativity Story," about the story of Mary and Joseph
and their journey together as they bring the Messiah into the world.

~~One Family. One Journey. One child, who would change the world. Forever.~~

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Monday, October 09, 2006

Tyndale House exclusive publisher for "Nativity"

In addition to the photographic book that Tyndale House Publishers is releasing on November 30, 2006, and the novelization of the script by Angela Hunt, they are also publishing a number of other books that tie in with "The Nativity Story" movie.

"Why the Nativity?" by David Jeremiah

Why do Christians make a big deal about an obscure baby born in a small town, Bethlehem? Why Bethlehem? Why Jesus? Why does it make a difference to me? In this book, David Jeremiah explains in his hallmark style for both believers and skeptics alike why it’s important to examine again the birth of that baby, Jesus. With the publicity surrounding New Line Cinema’s The Nativity Story movie this fall, you’ll want this book. It’s at just the right price to give away to people who are searching for the real meaning of Christmas. In short: Evangelism tool supporting the release of the major motion picture, The Nativity Story this Christmas season. Bulk church cases available at special discount to help stores form partnerships with local churches. 25 questions and answers and 25 Scripture readings to coincide with the Advent season.

"Looking Forward to the Nativity" Devotional by Jon Farrar

During the season of Christmas, it’s so difficult to find time to help your family meditate on the true meaning of Christmas. The short devotions in Looking Forward to the Nativity help you show your kids how people throughout the Bible looked forward to the coming of the Nativity--the birth of Jesus Christ. Each day illustrates how the baby Jesus fulfilled everything God had promised from the beginning. This short twenty-five-day devotional capitalizes on the natural wonder children have as Christmas approaches during the month of December.

"A Nativity Classic Devotional" by James Stuart Bell

The Nativity is one of the most vibrant traditions we celebrate today. Everything from fresh mistletoe to the Christmas pine tree is rooted in rich traditions. This year spend Christmas surrounded by the words of historical spiritual figures including Spurgeon, Chambers, Luther, and Moody. It’s guaranteed to deepen your experience of Christmas. Make this Christmas the one you’ll remember for years to come. (releasing November 1 to correlate with New Line Cinema’s “The Nativity Story.”)

They also have resources for retailers to use to publicize "Nativity."


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